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Why the Art World Should Take Note
August 30, 2023

NFTs: Why the Art World Should Take Note

Art has been around for many years and has come to stay. The art industry is a diverse world of creativity that has witnessed notable advancements. Art comes in different forms and styles, such as painting, sculpture, drawing, street art, and graffiti, but one form of art that has left the world in a chokehold is digital art.

Due to technological advancements, the art industry is rapidly digitizing. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are one of the forms of digital art that have brought about a tremendous turnaround in the art world. NFTs have introduced a new perspective on artistic expression, ownership, and value. This article explores the evolution of digital avatars, what NFT art is, the value of NFTs, the ways to create and collect art in the NFT space, especially on platforms like Chainers, and why the art world should take note of NFTs.

What Is NFT Art?

NFT arts are digital artworks that are tokenized using blockchain technology. They are unique digital tokens representing ownership or proof of authenticity of specific digital assets, such as images, videos, music, or other digital content forms. NFTs being non-fungible means that each token has a distinct value and is not interchangeable. NFT art has gained traction as artists can mint their digital creations. NFTs do not have physical equivalents or hard copies; they are strictly digital. One example of NFT art is digital avatars.

Evolution of Digital Avatars

Digital avatars are computer-generated versions of individuals or characters in the virtual world. They come in different forms, ranging from realistic depictions to stylized or abstract images.

The history of digital avatars from their early days to their current prestigious stage is evidence of the technological advancement that has occurred over the years. Initially, digital avatars were simple graphical representations in video games and virtual worlds. However, with improvements in computer graphics and artificial intelligence, these avatars have evolved into highly sophisticated and more realistic creations. Digital avatars serve various purposes, like social interactions, customer support, training services, or sales.

They also serve as personal representatives in the virtual world and the metaverse. NFTs have injected a fresh breath of innovation into digital avatars. Using blockchain technology, artists can now create unique, one-of-a-kind avatars that are indivisible and tamper-proof. These avatars, represented as NFTs, carry the artist’s vision and creativity into the digital realm, blurring the line between art and technology.

NFT Value Advantages

The value proposition of NFTs extends beyond the realm of art. NFTs can transform various industries, including music, fashion, and gaming. Here are some of the value advantages of NFTs in the art world.

Ownership and Authenticity

NFTs are a secure and transparent way to prove ownership and authenticity of digital art. Through blockchain technology, NFTs ensure the ownership record is appropriately stored and cannot be altered. This transparency cuts out the need for intermediaries and gives artists total rights to monetize their work.

Royalties and Secondary Sales

NFTs have programmable royalties that ensure artists receive a certain percentage even after the initial sale. This is done via smart contracts embedded in NFTs, and creators can earn royalties on secondary sales as their works get more deals, creating multiple income streams for them. NFTs allow artists to leverage digital scarcity to command higher prices for their work.

Global Reach and Accessibility

NFTs have created new opportunities for artists to reach a global audience and gain visibility online. Unlike the traditional art world, NFTs have opened up a borderless opportunity for artists to reach a wider audience globally.

The dynamic nature of NFTs also enables innovative collaborations and interactions between artists and their audiences. Collectors have access to a global marketplace where they can discover and own exclusive pieces from artists worldwide. When it comes to NFT arts, distance is not a barrier, as creators can easily reach their target audience digitally.

Creating and Collecting NFT Art

Creating and collecting NFT art is an interdisciplinary process that combines creativity, technology, and community. Here are some steps to achieve that:

Brainstorm Your NFT Content

Brainstorming your NFT involves choosing your art. NFT arts are expected to be unique pieces, which drives up the value of the artwork. Therefore, choosing your art carefully before proceeding to the next stage is crucial.

Create Your NFT Art

This can be done using digital art tools like Adobe Photoshop or other software. You can create a single piece of art or a collection of art pieces. You can choose whatever style, theme, and medium you want for your artwork. It could also be illustrations, digital paintings, animations, 3D models, or any other form of digital content.

Choose an NFT Marketplace

To be able to mint and list your NFTs, you will need to create an account on the marketplace of your choice. There are many NFT marketplaces available, such as OpenSea, SuperRare, Rarible, and Mintable.

Connect Your Cryptocurrency Wallet

You must connect your cryptocurrency wallet to the NFT marketplace to pay for minting fees and listing charges.

Mint Your NFT

Once you have created your art and connected your wallet, you can mint your NFT. It involves creating a unique token on the blockchain that represents your art.

List Your NFT on a Marketplace

Once you’ve minted an NFT, you can list it for sale on a marketplace. You can set a price for your NFT or auction it off to the highest bidder. Many platforms allow creators to charge a royalty percentage for their works, ensuring they receive a share of any future resale.

To create an NFT art collection, creators need to follow these additional steps.

Select an NFT Art Generator

An NFT art generator is a program that takes traits (attributes, characteristics, and category of a design) you input. It places them in a template, repeating the process hundreds or even thousands of times to create an extensive NFT collection with completely unique pieces. You can find NFT art generators online or create your own.

Prepare Your Art and Traits

Creators need to prepare their art and traits to be used by the NFT art generator. This involves creating a base piece of art and then drawing each trait as its own layer.

Generate Your NFT Collection

Once you have prepared your art and traits, you can use the NFT art generator to create your NFT collection. This process involves naming and giving each trait a percentage, which dictates a collection’s rarity.

Mint and List Your NFT Collection

After generating your NFT collection, you can mint each NFT and list them for sale on an NFT market.

Artists can mint their digital creations as NFTs on platforms like Chainers, attaching a unique value and significance to each piece. On the other hand, collectors can participate in auctions, sales, and trades to acquire these digital treasures.


NFTs have opened up a door of possibilities in the art world, particularly in the digital art industry. They have introduced a new perspective on artistic expression, ownership, and value and have created new opportunities for artists to monetize their craft through online visibility. NFTs have also enabled innovative collaborations and interactions between artists and their audiences, spiraling the growth of various industries, including music, fashion, and gaming. Therefore, the art world should take note of NFTs because they have quite a favorable future, and there are more benefits to be derived when put to good use.

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