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Although the Ethermon game isn’t very well known today, it is one of the forerunner games on the blockchain, which was launched back in 2017 on Ethereum, as you could guess from its name. To define its genre more precisely, it is a battle NFT collectibles game with its storyline, including characters similar to Pokemons. 

We have seen it in its current version since 2019. In the center, there are Mons – creatures that users can own, fight, catch, and send to each other. They are monsters inhabiting the fictional world. 

In this Ethermon game review, we’ll reveal more on how to achieve the heights in the gameplay and what to use Mons for. If you are eager to enter the Ethermon universe, hurry to delve into the Ethermon review to see the full picture.

What Is Ethermon?

The game is valued because of its great interface, free-to-play version for all users, and a balance between on-chain and off-chain processes. Game features are claimed to have a future as the Ethereum blockchain grows and develops, while other blockchains turn out to offer fewer limits to activities, such as tournaments. 

Rewards in this universe are earned just through taking part in activities, and every game action is available for monetization.  

What is Ethermon, in short? Let’s have a look at its pros and cons to summarize it. 


  1. Game’s decentralization. 
  2. Monsters are achieved through enjoyable gameplay. 
  3. Friendly UI and UX.
  4. Game tokens are exchangeable. 
  5. Proven security. 
  6. No download needed. 
  7. Simple and easy to use market for players. 


  1. Monsters exist in a very limited number.
  2. Complex Dapps. 
  3. Less space for player creativity compared to newer games. 
  4. Playing on the web is slow at times.

That’s the answer to ‘What is Ethermon game?’ at a glance.

How to Play Ethermon

All in all, the Ethermon can offer 4 game modes. We’ll guide you through them quickly: 

  • Adventure mode

Here you will be able to visit over 50 adventure spots to gather special game items. This mode is only for 6 Mon types out of the overall number 17.

  • Ranked mode

You are supposed to take part in tete-a-tete battles. There are 3 battles in total, and the success depends on the Mon’s rank – the higher the rank, the higher the chances for a victory. 

  • 3D metaverse mode

This mode has gone further with its features and opens up a whole immersive metaverse, where players are free to interact, catch as many Mons as they can, and join PvE fights. 

  • Gyms

This is a special regime for newbies, allowing them to train and access 9 characters not controlled by anyone. Conquering combats means receiving valuable assets and being able to pile them up for castles. 

In addition, before answering ‘How to play Ethermon?’ question, you should look at the list of game’s features to get started:

  • Buying, lending, borrowing, and exchanging Mons in the marketplace. 
  • Interacting with the game environment and other players 
  • Spending energy to play Ethermon in any activity

How Does Ethermon Work?

Playing Ethermon involves a range of ET game possibilities. Every Mon has a specific species (from 1 up to 3), i.e., belongs to a definite type. Each type has a characteristic making them stronger than others, and this adds excitement to fights. But the outcome depends not only on this: Mons have a separate feature called ‘battle strength,’ which is formed over time and includes the average score from each battle.

Okay, but how does Ethermon work in terms of its P2E status? Now, the game is fueled by the Ether (ETH) currency. The crypto coin is used for buying and selling Mon creatures, and paying for specific in-game blockchain operations, such as paying gas fees. EMON coin, in its turn, is a coin to buy equipment, and the prediction is that it will continue to rise until it is higher from #3350 in the Coinmarketcap ranking. 

To contain the game currency, you will create a cyber currency wallet to start playing Ethermon. It is easy to verify the ownership of this wallet with a secret seed phrase and keep it under your full control. Just make sure the seed phrase isn’t known to anyone else.  

At the heart of the game, there are several aims:

  1. Getting to own the biggest number of Mons and making them the strongest. To achieve this goal, the characters get trained and leveled up. 
  2. Becoming the richest player, or EMONT. 

How to Make Money on Ethermon?

Okay, if the main goal is to be the richest owner of the Ethermon game, then how to make money with Ethermon? 

Before you start to win battles and earn legit currency, it is necessary to acquire 3 to 6 mons, depending on your abilities right now. The full 6 mons are, however, recommended for effective defense. Two and more Mons of the same type can’t be in a team together.

Additionally, you make money on Ethermon through:

  • Completing quests
  • Being active in gym battles 
  • Taking part in tournaments
  • Lending your Mons 
  • Exchanging your monsters or selling them, etc. 

The good news is that to assemble a team of mons; you don’t need to spend much money. You actually may come across some free mons, additionally to buying mons in the official store. If you see that a Mon costs 0 ETH, it’s best to take it but remember there is a transaction cost – nearly $0,25 in ETH (if the network is moderately busy).  

If you need already trained and strong mons, go to the market. It also offers a good chance to buy those which are going extinct, though they naturally cost more.

How Much Can You Earn In Ethermon?

Before earning EMON coins, players need to gather a necessary amount of the off-chain currency MARKS. These coins are used to create NFTs, while each token is then sold for EMON. 

How much can you earn in Ethermon? All game activities, such as questing, gym battles, and tournaments, help to earn MARKS as well. The amount of digital coins a player earns will depend on how much time they are ready to invest, how diligent they are in training their monsters, and how quickly they gain experience. 

If you purchase a few mons or find them for free without paying the price, train them well, and become more powerful, it will be a good game to take up. Consider also the fact that to earn money in Ethermon, you won’t have to spend days playing. A few minutes a day will be enough to keep the level and train Mons to overcome foes. 


The Ethereum Pokemon game is both fun and profitable to play if this is what you are passionate about. It is all about the way you manage to train your characters and use their strengths in such a way that they perform effectively. 

Being a free to play game is another plus that lets you try out the P2E mechanism, even without major investments. As time passes, we hope the Ethermon game gets even more exciting, bringing fun to both PC players and iOS and Android mobile users. Whether you’re an iPhone user or a PC game player, follow the game’s update chain to make sure you don’t lose sight of it.

Let’s start?
Start earn money playing Ethermon right now!